For every user of BRUDAWEB a unique user profile is created based on your enterprise number and your activities as waste manager in the Brussels-Capital Region. Does your company have not a user profile yet? Let us know via
You will be asked to provide an e-mail address that is invariably and inextricably linked to your enterprise. Keep this in mind when choosing. The e-mail address is stored as a user name in your user profile.
You will receive a message to activate your user profile and to choose a generic password.
To report, you have 3 options
- By using the wizard (guidance tool with survey). The wizard is user-friendly and advisable if you have limited activities (e.g. maximum 5 collections/year) in the Brussels-Capital Region, have little experience with a waste report or if you do not have sufficient IT support.
- By uploading the new standardized Excel forms. The Excel forms are used when transferring a large amount of data.
- By the confirmation of no activity. With the confirmation of no activity you indicate for a particular year that you have not collected, treated, produced any waste in the Brussels-Capital Region. You confirm this by choosing the option "submit empty".
Note: At the start of a specific waste report you have to choose from these three options. Within a particular waste report, you cannot mix the different options.
Possible statuses of a report
In progress: you have created and saved the report but have not yet sent it.
Submitted: you have sent the report.
Reception confirmed by Brussels Environment: the report has been validated (verification of data and mandatory fields) by Brussels Environment. This has also been confirmed via your specified email address. No further action is required.
Rejected by Brussels Environment: problems were identified by Brussels Environment when verifying the report. The result of this verification with the instructions are sent to your specified email address.